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Non-Surgical Disc Related Pain Relief And Treatment

spinal decompression

OK… the cat’s out of the bag.  Remember the big box… well the contents are now in Room 3.  Let me tell you about this thing.

This is a spinal decompression table

Spinal decompression is becoming the next best thing when treating disc related pain which could be any or all of these:

  • Lower back pain
  • Pain when going from seated to standing
  • Pain shooting down the leg or into the buttocks
  • Lower back or leg pain that is worse at night
  • Pain so bad you can’t stand up
  • Pain so bad your body leans to the side
  • Pain when coughing or sneezing

These are all good signs there is a disc related problem.  And here’s the last one:

  • Lower back pain while over the age of 50

Back Pain Relief for Those Over 50

You heard it right… virtually everyone over the age of 50 has some degree of lower back spinal degeneration that weakens the discs and causes lower back tightness and pain and possibly radiating pain, numbness, tingling or even weakness into one or both legs.

This is a KDT Spinal Decompression Table… state of the art with all the bells and whistles.  The treatment consists of a gentle but effective pull / distraction of the lower spine that first rehydrates the disc (think of a dry sponge getting soaked with water), then carefully pulls the bones apart to allow the disc to recentralize back into the spine where it belongs.

For many people this is fast relief. Even more important, something that used to be a rush to surgery now has a conservative, non-invasive alternative that is highly effective at treating disc problems.

Try it Out

Here’s the best part… we are having our Patient Appreciation Day on Saturday, March 1 from 10AM to 12PM.  All current patients are invited to test drive the decompression table at NO CHARGE.  We’ll hook you up, set it on LOW AND SLOW, and let you experience the gentle pull of the decompression table.  Make sure you call ahead to schedule your time.

Can’t wait to see you there

Ritchie Chiropractic & Wellness